Ragga Gísla


Photo by: Kristinn Ingvarsson

Ragga’s interest in music started at early age when she took up piano lessons. At the age of 17, she started learning to become a music teacher at the music school of Iceland. She was the founder of the first Icelandic girl rock band, "Grýlurnar", and, when they ended, she joined Iceland's most popular band at that time, "Stuðmenn", in 1984.

Ragga Gísla (Ragnhildur Gísladóttir) completed an MA degree in composition from the Iceland Academy of the Arts in the spring of 2013. RG has been an active musician for a number of years. She has also composed music for films, theater and dance. Ragga has participated in Dark Music Days, Nordic Music Days, Reykjavik Art Festival and Reykjavik Dance Festival.



Adelle Stripe

